​Research / Conservation / Development

• Adrian J. Boas, “The Montfort Castle. A New Survey”, Excavations and Surveys in Israel (online) 120, 2008.
• Adrian J. Boas, Montfort Castle: The Western Wing and the Great Hall, University of Haifa, Haifa, 2012a.
• Adrian J. Boas, “Some Preliminary Findings at the Teutonic Castle of Montfort”, in, L.D. ChrupcaÅ‚a, Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo ofm, Milan, 2012b, pp. 11-27.
Adrian J. Boas, “Montfort Castle Project: A New Research and Conservation Project at the Site of the Teutonic Castle in the Western Galilee”, in Proceedings of the International Conference La Transjordania nel Secoli XII -XIII e le ‘Frontiere' del Mediterraneo Medievale (Florence, Palazzo della Signoria, Palazzo Strozzi, 6-8 November 2008, vol. 1 of the series 'Limina/Limites - Archaeology, History, and Borders the Mediterranean Islands (365-1556), eds. Guido Vannini and Michele Nucciotti, BAR (International Series) S2386, Oxford, 2012, pp. 227-30.
• Adrian J. Boas, “The Montfort Castle Project: A Programme of Research, Conservation and Development at the Teutonic Castle in the Western Galilee”, in C.M.R. Luschi , L. Aiello, Mons Fortis alias Mons Feret. Il castello dei Teutonici in Terrasanta, Florence, 2012, pp. 87-91.
• Adrian J. Boas, Rabei Khamissy, “The Teutonic Castle of Montfort/Starkenberg (Qal’at Qurein)”, in L'Ordine Teutonico tra Mediterraneo e Baltico: incontri e scontri tra religioni, popoli e culture. Der Deutsche Orden zwischen Mittelmeerraum und Baltikum. Begegnungen und Konfrontationen zwischen Religionen, Völkern und Kulturen (Acta Theutonica 5), ed. H. Houben and K. Toomaspoeg, Galatina 2008, pp. 347-59.​
Adrian Boas (ed.) Rabei Khamisy (assistant ed.), Montfort: History, Early Research and Recent Studies of the Principal Fortress of the Teutonic Order in the Latin East, Brill, Leiden, and Boston, 2016. Winner of the Verbruggen Prize 2017 awarded annually by the De Re Militari society for the best book on medieval military history. The awarding committee stated that the volume offers ‘a through exploration of all the sources, archaeological and literary, relating to an important site. A model for future work.’

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